NeoWorx Mess
NeoWorx messed up my blog! I was shock when the entire layout of my blog was distorted... What happen is, my free trial with NeoWorx has ended :( and without subscribe, the board will reset to the ugly default (you can't change it). Now I have to pay (*F3 face*). Nonetheless, I think it is worthy.

On the right side of the navigation, there are two Tagboard. One of them is from NeoWorx name NeoBoard. NeoWorx also provide a counter service name NeoCounter. NeoWorx is the only board and counter that accurately shows the visitor flag.
(Ratings : *****)
So, the next time you tag, please use the “show your flag” function to add a little color. Else, my money cannot not fully well-spend… lol ^ ^
Hmmm... At first I tot it was blogspot problems... But oh well, I've always put my flag in the tag board... xD
17/8/05 12:11 PM
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