To guide and organise members to enjoy the involved community.


Pangya Initial Tee Party @ PCBunk

Had an enjoyable time over at PCBunk today! Looks like the Pangsters who attended the event had loads of fun too! Too bad the Moderators didn't get to win anything.. (looks like we'll need more intensive Pangya training) *grrr*

Congrats to all who won the various prizes through the Individual / Team challenges, tournaments, and lucky draws! If you do not need your Paps plushie, kindly donate to Concordia Foundation Pte Ltd ;)

We're getting ready for the parrrrrrrrrty!

Everyone's gearing up for the top prizes! Go go go!

AsiaSoft's very own 18th Pangya hole.. Can you see the grid on the green? :P

Goodie bags! Goodies include Singapore Straits Times (with Mark of PangyaSEA Congratulatory Ad), PangyaSEA and MapleSEA installation kits, PangyaSEA car decal, game magazines and many more.. Invited Pangsters can collect their golf balls once they're ready in June; watch out for PangyaSEA announcements!

Live Pangya demos by AsiaSoft staff.

Waiting for the prize ceremony to begin ;)


Launches Date

Ludi Launch : 24/5 (Wed) - Online

Pangya Launch : 27/5 (Sat) - PCBunk


PangYa Tips : Ver I

The fastest way to level from rookie to beginner:

1. Complete the tutorial to receive a caddie (Paps).

2. Play in rookie only channel.

3. Play Versus mode to gain more EXP.

4. Keeping playing "Blue Lagoon" till you can start getting Eagle.

5. During each match, learn from others by pressing "0" (zero) to watch their angle. Learn from those Rookie A or B that are going to be beginner.

6. Watch out for the power bar (in split second) when the player teeing off. The bar could show that the player might have missed or the strength of the power used.

7. Try the same shot if they did well.

8. To earn more EXP, play in TEAM mode. Find someone you know and play in TEAM to level fastest!

(Please share if you have more tips. I am not a PangYa pro yet so kindly correct me if I am wrong ^ ^. )


Free A-Cash Progress Pack UPDATE!


Remember AsiaSoft's 27, 050, 6000 A-Cash giveaway?

First hand news from the admins: Approximately 2, 500 AsiaSoft members qualify as of today!

And that tallys to.. over 10, 000 A-Cash for each qualified member! Hohoho.. equivalent to one Prepaid Card!

I'll be able to get my hands on the Black Cat Costume + Black Cat's Ear soon! *Drool* :)

For those who have not signed up for the Progress Pack, join in and celebrate with us!


Mark of Pangya

Have you signed up for Mark of Pangya yet? I have! :)

For those who haven't:

Still clueless on what the event is about? Click here for more information on Mark of Pangya!

P.S. The Moderators will be hiding around somewhere in the Tee party! Hohoho..


Mini Updates

blizzStorm blog link updated.

Redoche aka Ken blog link updated.

Lemonee aka Doreen link updated.

To Ohana Guild Leader, can you e-mail us a ID/PWD of your forum?



Ludibrium. Coming soon, to a Monthly Highlight near you.

Many thanks to GMAutumnPie for sparing time off her hectic schedule for this SS! :)

MapleSEA Birthday Bash

It's our BIRTHDAY! Yeah!

The Admin will be installing something great for us! Make a guess?

Free mesos? nope. Free A-Cash? They already did (See Progress Pack). So, what could possibility be better than free A-Cash and free Mesos?? This is the question thrown to us couple of months back and the Moderators are please to share with you what we had suggested which the Admin had adopted!

So let the drum roll...

... MapleSEA present ... a free Birthday gift ....
to ... every single Maple Characters ... in MapleSEA

* chiang *


Visit a NPC (install in the next patch) anytime before 1st July 06 and the character will level to 99.99%.

- Level 28, 9% ---> click on NPC ---> Level 28, 99.99%
- Level 45, 0% ---> click on NPC ---> Level 45, 99.99%

Level your character as far as possible before clicking on the NPC! The NPC will be there till 30th Jun 06.